Private Cloud

Complete offer including hardware, operations and software maintenance.

Complete offer for Private Cloud deployment, including hardware, operations and software maintenance.

IaaS base offer includes Control Plane and Compute Service with local instance storage only. Options include Elastic Block Storage (Ceph cluster) and accelerated compute nodes (typically GPU). STaaS base offer includes Control Plane and storage nodes of either HDD or NVME type.

Storage interfaces include RADOS, S3 via Rados Gateway, Rados Block Device or iSCSI/NFS via storage proxy.

Private Cloud – IaaS

The IaaS base configuration is for deployment in a dedicated rack space, preferably with room to grow. The ToR switches are based on 32x100 Gbps and scale to 24 compute or storage nodes due to 4 interfaces being reserved for control plane, 2 for interswitch-links, 2 for uplinks.

If multi-rack deployment additional ports required for cross-connect. Compute Node configuration (CPU, RAM, local NVME) per customer specification.



Private Cloud – IaaS Base configuration

Node typeNodesRack Units/item
Top-of-Rack switch21
Management switch21
Control Plane (4 server / 2RU)32
Compute Node32

Private Cloud – IaaS Base product components

Product CodeComponentRack Units
PRIVATECLOUD-compute.baseIaaS Compute Base configuration12
PRIVATECLOUD-compute.addIaaS Compute Additional nodes (4 per chassis)2

Private Cloud – IaaS Volumes Option

The IaaS Volumes option adds NVME, HDD or both elastic storage to the Private IaaS deployment. It reuses the switches and control plane of the Private IaaS deployment. The ToR switches are based on 32x100 Gbps and scale to 24 compute or storage nodes due to four (4) interfaces being reserved for control plane, two (2) for interswitch-links, two (2) for uplinks.

If multi-rack deployment additional ports required for cross-connect. Storage interface is Rados Block Device (RBD) to compute hypervisor. HDD Storage Node fits 12x3.5”, maximum size per drive depends on market availability and uses Optane drive for DB. NVME Storage Node fits 10x2.5” NVME, drive write endurance and size depends on market availability and customer preference.


IaaS Base configuration.

Private Cloud – IaaS Volumes Option

Node typeNodesRack Units
Top-of-Rack switch20 (re-use of IaaS ToR)
Management switch20 (re-use of IaaS Mgm switch)
Control Plane30 (collocated with IaaS Control Plane)
Storage Nodes – NVME0 / 6..n0 / 6..n
Storage Nodes – HDD0 / 6..n0 / 12..2n

Private Cloud IaaS Volume product components

Product CodeComponentRack Units
PRIVATECLOUD-volume.nvme.baseIaaS Volumes Base configuration, NVME class6
PRIVATECLOUD-volume.nvme.addIaaS Additional storage node, NVME class1
PRIVATECLOUD-volume.hdd.baseIaaS Volumes Base configuration, HDD class12
PRIVATECLOUD-volume.hdd.addIaaS Additional storage node, HDD class2

Private Cloud – STaaS

The STaaS service provides NVME, HDD or both elastic storage. The ToR switches are based on 32x100 Gbps and scale to 24 compute or storage nodes due to 4 interfaces being reserved for control plane, two (2) for interswitch-links, two (2) for uplinks. If multi-rack deployment additional ports required for cross-connect. Storage interfaces include RADOS, S3 via Rados Gateway, Rados Block Device (RBD) or iSCSI/NFS via storage proxy.

HDD Storage Node fits 12x3.5”, maximum size per drive depends on market availability and uses Optane drive for DB. NVME Storage Node fits 10x2.5” NVME, drive write endurance and size depends on market availability and customer preference.



Private Cloud – STaaS Base configuration

Node typeNodesRack Units/item
Top-of-Rack switch21
Management switch21
Control Plane32
Storage Node – NVME0 / 4..n1
Storage Node – HDD0 / 4..n2

Private Cloud STaaS product components

Product CodeComponentRack Units
PRIVATECLOUD-staas.baseSTaaS Base configuration6
PRIVATECLOUD-staas.nvme.baseSTaaS Base storage cluster, NVME class4
PRIVATECLOUD-staas.nvme.addSTaaS storage cluster, NVME class1
PRIVATECLOUD-staas.hdd.baseSTaaS Base storage cluster, HDD class8
PRIVATECLOUD-staas.hdd.addSTaaS storage cluster, HDD class2